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Dear User,

This information has been prepared pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003, as amended by Legislative Decree 101/2018, as well as Articles 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, and the free movement of such data, and describes what information we collect about our guests, visitors, users of the website, subjects who contact us for information requests.
It is aimed at users who connect and consult the website and use its web services. The information is provided only for the above mentioned site and not for other websites or other pages that may be consulted by the user through special links, even if contained on our site.
This information, together with the information on cookies, constitutes the Privacy Policy of the site and is an integral part of the site and the services offered by the Grand Hotel Palace of Terracina. Access to the site and its use as well as the purchase of products on the site are based on the assumption that this Privacy Policy has been read and shared and in case of disagreement with it we ask you not to use our site. Please read this information carefully. By visiting our website and using our services you agree to the data processing activities described in this Privacy Policy.
The Company may modify or simply update all or part of this Privacy Policy. Any change or update to the Privacy Policy will be available to all users in the Privacy section of the site as soon as the updates are active and will be binding as soon as they are published on the site in this section. If you do not wish to accept these changes, you may stop using our site. Continued use of our website and our products and services following publication of such changes and/or updates will constitute acceptance of the changes and recognition of the binding nature of the new terms and conditions.
The website is owned by Grand Hotel Palace Srl and is managed entirely by the same.

1. Type of data processed and purpose of processing:

1.1 Navigation data

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website, as part of their normal operation, automatically acquire in the use of Internet communication protocols some personal data collected not to be associated with identified persons, but which by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified. This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users connecting to the site, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) of requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response from the server (successful, error, etc..) and other parameters relating to the operating system and computer environment. These data are used only to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to check its proper functioning and are deleted immediately after processing. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in the event of hypothetical computer crimes against the site: except for this possibility, the data on web contacts do not persist for more than 24 months.

1.2 Data provided voluntarily by users/visitors.

The users/visitors, by connecting to this site, can also send their personal data contained in the appropriate electronic request forms in the different sections of the website to access certain services on request, or to make requests by e-mail. This implies the acquisition by the Company of the sender's address and/or any other personal data that will be processed by Grand Hotel Palace Srl exclusively for the purposes indicated in this declaration. Apart from that specified for navigation data, therefore, users / visitors are free to provide their personal data. Failure to provide such information may only result in the impossibility of obtaining what has been requested. Therefore, visitors are able to navigate the site even without disclosing personal information and data.
Visitors to the site may, with specific consent to the Privacy Policy, provide their data for:

  • contact the Company using the appropriate form provided
  • be contacted for requests for information on the services provided
  • check availability of rooms for a given period and number of people
  • make directly on the site the booking of the stay at the structure
  • participate in initiatives promoted on this website
  • In order to use the services, the user may be required to provide some or all of the following data: name, surname, age, street, postal code, e-mail address, address, city, country, date of birth, telephone number, mobile phone number, fax number, period of stay, number of guests (adults and children), payment information, name and surname of additional guests (indication whether they are adults or children). However, additional information may also be required.
    Acceptance of the Privacy Policy is a prerequisite for the use of the services in question.

    1.3. Cookies

    This site collects some personal information relating to web access through the use of cookies. For more information about the Company's Cookie-Policy please visit the following link (

    What exactly are cookies?

    To collect some of the data described in this policy, we may use cookies, web beacons and similar technologies on our website and in our applications. A cookie is a short text file downloaded to your browser and stored on your device. First party cookies are sent from the website you are visiting. Third party cookies are sent by third parties, such as Google. For more information about cookies, please visit the following website:

    Cookies sent via the website

    We use the following cookies:

  • Essential cookies. These first-part cookies are indispensable to enable the user to navigate the website and use its functions. Without them, it is not possible to provide the requested services. They are deleted when you close the browser.
  • Analytical cookies. These first party cookies collect information about how visitors use our website and applications. They allow you to recognize and count visitors, to see how they navigate the website when they use it, and to identify the regions from which they connect.
  • Functional cookies. These first party cookies allow the website and user applications to remember your choices (for example, your user name, language or region in which you are located) and to provide improved and customized features.
  • Data analysis. Grand Hotel Palace Srl may use third party data analysis services, such as Google Analytics and others. The IP address and other user data will be collected by automated means to evaluate your use of the website, compile reports on website activity, identify user habits and provide related services. These providers may retain and use aggregate data from our users in connection with their business, including to improve their products and services. For more information on how Google Analytics uses your information, please click here. In addition, authentication and tracking logs will be used to compile user statistics.
  • Consent to cookies

    Grand Hotel Palace Srl assumes that the user is in favour of the installation of cookies on his device. When you access our website, you will see a pop-up message requesting your consent to the installation of advertising cookies on your device. To give your consent, you must click on "Accept". Once you have given your consent, the message will not be displayed on subsequent visits.

    2. Methods and purposes of processing.

    The data acquired automatically are processed by automated tools, in accordance with the operations provided for in the Privacy Code, for all purposes related to navigation on this website.

    The data provided directly by users / visitors, collected through the contact forms and stored, subject to specific consent, will be processed for purposes related to:

  • respond to requests for information sent through forms, provide information on services provided and the availability of rooms for a given period and number of people, provide assistance and support to the user, acquire the subscription to the newsletter, send communications of an informative and commercial nature, receive reservations made directly from the site, respond to any other specific request and service to the user based on the legal basis of specific consent;
  • to carry out activities related to the economic activity of our company, such as the compilation of internal statistics, for invoicing, the keeping of accounts receivable from customers and suppliers, debt collection, commercial purposes, such as the sending of commercial information and advertising material (by post, fax and e-mail), marketing and market research;
  • respond to, and process your questions, comments, complaints and requests, process your reservations or cancellations, provide the services, products or content requested by you, manage and administer your user account, send you service communications and allow you to participate in interactive features of our applications and websites, if you have decided to do so;
  • to provide the customer, new or old, with a personalized service of superior quality, including customer service before, during and after his stay. For these purposes, we may create a customer profile that includes data from our proprietary management system, which will also enable us to improve the relevance of our communications;
  • show content on websites and applications, such as stories, product reviews, comments and photos, provided by the user;
  • allow our providers and service providers to perform certain functions on our behalf, including hosting our websites, applications and booking platforms, verification and technical, logistical or other functions;
  • ensure the security of your account, our premises and facilities and our business, verify your identity where required, prevent or detect fraud or misuse of our websites, products and services, for example by requesting verification data in order to reset your account password, manage technical aspects of our website, including troubleshooting, diagnosis of technical and maintenance problems, testing, encryption and similar operations;
  • perform data analysis, statistical research and trend analysis in relation to user activity, demographics, guest profiles, user comments or other contributions to develop and improve our websites, products and services and to ensure the effectiveness of our business efforts
  • comply with applicable law, for example following a request from a court or regulatory body, where such a request is in accordance with the law. Grand Hotel Palace Srl also records data to comply with financial reporting requirements, including those imposed by auditing firms and state regulatory bodies. Grand Hotel Palace Srl, finally, can collect certain information as prescribed by local laws (for example, passport number, name of all occupants of a room, including children and partners).
  • 3. Data security

    The systems are equipped with the appropriate and necessary security measures to prevent the loss of data, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access. In any case, the treatment will be carried out in compliance with all precautionary measures, which ensure the security and confidentiality.

    The Company protects personal data through the application of internationally recognized security levels, as well as through security procedures that protect personal data:

  • from unauthorized access
  • improper use or disclosure thereof
  • by an unauthorised modification
  • accidental or unlawful loss or destruction.
  • 4. Storage period.

    The information and personal data of visitors / users collected by this site, including data freely provided in order to obtain the sending of information material or other services provided on the site, will be kept for the sole purpose of providing the service requested and for the duration necessary for the same purpose, in accordance with the principle of limitation of storage and in any case within the maximum period of 24 months. Once this period has expired, all personal data will be destroyed in accordance with this Privacy Policy, unless otherwise requested by the authorities, the storage requirements established by law, or unless otherwise specified in particular sections of the website, with periodic verification of the permanence of the storage needs.

    5. Exercise of the rights of the data subject.

    The interested parties have the right at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of such data and to know its content and origin, verify its accuracy or request its integration, updating, or correction.

    Pursuant to the same legislation, they have the right to revoke their consent to the processing, to request the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, and to oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, to their treatment or to limit the treatment.

    Requests should be sent by writing or contacting the data controller at the following addresses:

  • email:
  • registered letter with advice of receipt: Grand Hotel Palace Srl, Via Lungomare Matteotti n. 2 (04019)
  • If you wish to revoke your consent to cookies at any time, you, or another person using your device, have the option of accepting or blocking cookies by changing your browser settings. If you choose to block cookies, you may not be able to make full use of the interactive features of the Grand Hotel Palace website, content and services. For more information about the types of cookies that can be installed on your device and how to refuse them, access the DAA tools here, Your Online Choices here or NEVER here. You can refuse Google Analytics here. In some cases, when the user opts for deletion, a new cookie (rejection cookie) is installed in his browser, which informs the third party provider to stop collecting data from the user's browser and prevents the receipt of advertisements.

    The data subject shall also have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority in his or her Member State.

    6. Minors

    The site is not intended for use by minors, who are not authorized to make purchases through the sites listed. We understand the importance of protecting information for children, especially in an online environment, and therefore we do not knowingly collect or maintain personal information about children.

    7. Holder of the treatment.

    The owner of the processing of any personal data collected through this site is the Company, a company incorporated under the law Grand Hotel Palace Srl (Tax Code 08354550587/P.Iva 02015610591), with registered office in Terracina (Latina), Via Lungomare Matteotti 2.

    Personal data may be processed within the limits and in the manner set out in this declaration by employees and collaborators of the Company designated as persons in charge or responsible for processing, who will receive adequate operating instructions and operate under the direct authority of the data controller.

    An updated list of all data processors/providers can be requested from the data controller or the data processor by writing to the following e-mail address:

    The data are stored by the Aruba provider in any case within the European Union for the entire time required by law.

    8. Communication to third parties.

    The user's personal data will not be disclosed. Personal data may be communicated to bodies and institutes for the fulfillment of legal obligations or to the judicial authority, if requested.

    In addition, the Company uses other companies and individuals to carry out certain activities such as sending e-mails, delivering parcels, making payments. The aforesaid subjects have access only to the personal data strictly necessary to carry out their duties. The Company emphasizes the prohibition of use by the same for other purposes and the obligation to treat in accordance with this Privacy Policy and current legislation. These subjects will process the data in their capacity as autonomous data controllers.

    Through this website, the Company does not deliberately collect sensitive or judicial personal data.

    Sensitive data include personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, religious, philosophical or other beliefs, political opinions, membership of parties, unions, associations or organizations of a religious, philosophical, political or trade union, as well as personal data disclosing health and sex life. Criminal data includes personal data suitable for the disclosure of measures referred to in Article 3, paragraph 1, letters a) to o) and r) to u) of Presidential Decree no. 313 of 14 November 2002, on criminal records, the registry of administrative penalties dependent on crime and the related pending charges, or the status of defendant or suspect under Articles 60 and 61 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

    We recommend that you do not provide such information through this site. In the event that the communication becomes necessary, we invite you to send to the registered office of the Company by registered letter a special declaration containing the written consent to the processing of these sensitive information.

    9. Data transfer abroad.

    Any data acquired and collected while browsing the website are stored by the provider Aruba, are not transferred abroad and, however, should the need arise, it will be the Company's responsibility to take the necessary measures to ensure that such processing complies with the law.